Record Keeping Made Easy… or at least Tolerable
Tired of:
- Re-entry of records from calving books to computer
- Out dated records that are simply not accurate
- Last minute catch-up to print necessary field reports
- Loosing critical treatment information or cattle movements from location to location
Pocket Cow Sense
Breeding Data
Preg Check Data
Calving Data
Weighing Data (BW, WW, YW, etc.)
Herd Heath and Treatments
Cattle locations
Shipping or movement data
Inventory Work Lists
Export to Cow Sense for powerful reports and analysis!
EID Compatible!
A Pocket PC equipped with Bluetooth communications allows you to use a wireless EID Reader to scan EIDs onto calf records or “lookup” records of either calves or cows.
Scan EIDs when processing a group of cattle to create a “Work List” of EID numbers. Then import this data into Cow Sense to update cattle records, inventories by location, change locations, create a shipment listing or record group processing information.
(Requires a Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 5 or 6 Operating System and a Cow Sense installation on your desktop or laptop computer)
Call us at 800-584-0040 or email if you would like to check on the availability of Pocket PC’s that we have in stock or available for purchase.