COW SENSE COLLEGE EVALUATION FORM Name (optional, but in order to receive 10 cow chips, 10 min of support time, for filling out the evaluation, we need to know who you are) Email Address (optional) Which Cow Sense College Basic Training Session did you attend? NG21-001BT (Jan 11, 13, 18, 20) 2021 NG21-003BT (Mar 15, 17, 22, 24) 2021 NG21-004BT (Apr 12, 14, 19, 21) 2021 NG 21-005BT (May 10, 12, 17, 19) 2021 NG 21-007BT (Sept 20, 22, 27, 29) 2021 NG 21-008BT (Nov 1, 3, 8, 10) 2021 NG 21-009BT (Nov 29, Dec 1, 6, 8) 2021 NG 22-001BT (Jan 17, 19, 24, 26) 2022 NG 22-003BT (Mar 21, 23, 28, 30) 2022 NG 22-004BT (Apr 11, 13, 18, 20) 2022 Were the registration instructions and procedures for this course accurate and easy to follow? Yes Somewhat No If SOMEWHAT or NO, please explain Were the instructions for the login to Zoom and the conference call on class days accurate and easy to follow? Yes Somewhat No If SOMEWHAT or NO, please explain Was the supporting course material (course outline, training herds, etc.) useful? Yes Somewhat No If SOMEWHAT or NO, please explain Were you able to get technical assistance, if needed, in a timely manner? Yes No N/A If NO, please explain The pace of the course was Too Fast Just Right Too Slow Additional Comments The length of the course was Too Long Appropriate Too Short Additional Comments The course content was Too Detailed Appropriate Not Detailed Enough Additional Comments Was the instructor knowledgeable about the course materials covered? Yes Mostly No Additional Comments Was the instructor responsive and helpful concerning questions and/or any technical issues you may have had? Yes Mostly No Additional Comments Was the quality of the call (audio) acceptable? Yes Mostly No Please offer any suggestions on how we can improve Cow Sense College Would you recommend Cow Sense Basic Training to other Cow Sense users? Yes No Additional Comments As a result of your participation, would you enroll in other course offerings from Cow Sense College? Yes No Maybe Additional Comments What additional courses would you like to see offered by Cow Sense College? Please share any additional comments you may have about your experience with Cow Sense College Would you be willing to submit a testimonial based on your experience with the Cow Sense College course you have completed? (Note: we would identify your comments in the following manner- DW, Nebraska) Please verify SUBMIT