Introducing… Chuteside!
Cow Sense has become the industry standard for herd management software in the cow-calf sector. The new addition to the Next Generation of Cow Sense is the upgrade of Cow COMM to the all new Chuteside™. Chuteside is the communications component of the Cow Sense Suite of products. Chuteside allows you to collect data manually or automatically and make immediate management decisions based upon predetermined, objective criteria.
Chuteside Benefits
- Increase profit through individual animal management
- Work at your level of automation
- Customize the Chuteside screen to display just data relevant to the processing event
- Collect data and sort cattle easily and accurately
- Instant access to animal history provides accuracy in processing cattle
- Enhance speed and reliability through automated data collection
- Apply strategic animal management instantly
- Replaces the need for additional software to download data from compatible scales, EID readers, or other electronic devices
Use Chuteside to…
- Record animal weights manually or automatically with a connection to your scale indicator
- Record or look up animals by visual ID tag or use Electronic ID (EID) reader interface
- Record or access AI breeding information chute-side
- Record results of pregnancy examination
- Calculate maximum calf birth weights based upon pelvic area of replacement heifers
- Directly download data from compatible scale or EID reader to Cow Sense
- Record bull test information, including ultrasound and scrotal measures
- Record and monitor individual animal measurements for performance trials
- Record hip height and calculate frame scores
- Flag animal records with the “watch” feature to alert you to pay particular attention when that animal is processed
- Automark feature flag’s all animals that have been processed…and also those that were not.
Who should use Chuteside
- Cow Calf Producers
- Stockers
- Feeders
- Veterinarians
- Consultants
- Backgrounders
Process Cattle Easily With Chuteside
The beef industry is striving to adopt successful information management methods, to micromanage the beef production process and design the end product to meet consumer demands. With the help of Cow Sense NxGen and Chuteside, producers can process cattle more efficiently and make better decisions, combining strategic animal management with instant application. Such methods are key to shaping the beef industry to improve productivity, quality and profitability.
Chuteside Application…
Chuteside is Quick, Easy and Accurate!
You choose the level of automation with which you are comfortable. Add new animal records or add data to existing animals. Hand key information and animal look-ups or rely on electronic ID readers to do the task.
Key in weights, or record hands free when connected to
an electronic scale. Chuteside performs the necessary
calculations while the animal is still in the chute, such
as weight gain, frame score, pelvic size, etc.
Chuteside is compatible with EID Readers, Bar Code Scanners, Scale Indicators and other electronic
devices. These tools can be used to automate and simplify data entry. Simply connect the device to your computer and then use the Settings
Menu to connect with Chuteside.
Input Fields allow you to select what
data fields you would like to display to add or change while processing cattle.
Reference Fields give the option of displaying historical information about the animal. This option gives you the information necessary to make decisions while it is still in the chute.
The Display in Chuteside is completely customizable. YOU determine what is displayed on your computer, select only what you want to see! You may display as many or as few fields as desired. Data fields are split into different grids allowing many types of data to be shown at once.
Many Grids are available to display key information in Chuteside, making this component very versatile for any situation. View only information about the current animal, or display all parent or progeny information. The choice is yours! The option to display Recent Animals provides a list of all animals processed including a running total at the top.
View a list of all historical measures recorded for that animal together in a table in Chuteside. Calculations are performed as you work, resulting in real time meaningful data to use in decision making at the speed of processing.
Whether for herd health, DNA or research, Chuteside provides a straightforward method for recording and tracking all samples collected for an animal. Samples can be manually recorded or electronically scanned in with an EID or bar code reader to positively link to the animal’s record.
Find Tag
Key in an animal ID to pull up it’s record or use “Fuzzy Search” to key in a partial ID and Chuteside displays a list of all records that contain those characters allowing you to quickly
choose the one you want.
A Notes grid displays all historical remarks that have been recorded pertaining to the record displayed. Add new Notes if necessary regarding present observations.
Electronic Device Compaibility
The listing of electronic ID readers and scales below are currently compatible with Chutside. Contact us for compatibility if your equipment is not listed.
- Cardinal 205
- Digi-Star EZ/SDM/SW550
- Gallagher 300/500/600/700
- GSE 350
- Reliable 500
- Tru-Test 700/2000/3000
- Weigh-Tronix 615/715/640
EID Readers
- Allflex
- Avid
- Destron Fearing
- Farnam
- Gallagher
- Tru-Test
- Y-Tex